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ESIHub Performance Optimization Guide

1. Leverage Caching

  • Use caching for data that doesn't change frequently to reduce API calls.
  • Set appropriate expiration times in the ESICache.set method.
  • Utilize dynamic TTL to extend cache time for frequently requested data.

2. Use Batch Requests

  • Utilize the batch_request method when processing multiple requests simultaneously.
  • Use the default batch size of 20, adjusting as needed.
  • Consider rate limits when making large batch requests and introduce appropriate intervals.

3. Asynchronous Programming

  • Make the most of asyncio to efficiently handle I/O-bound tasks.
  • Write asynchronous code using async/await syntax.
  • Use asyncio.gather to execute multiple tasks concurrently.

4. Connection Pooling

  • Use ESIConnectionPool to reuse HTTP connections.
  • Adjust the pool size according to your application's requirements.

5. Error Handling and Retries

  • Implement automatic retry mechanisms for transient errors.
  • Use backoff strategies to prevent consecutive failures.

6. Monitor Prometheus Metrics

  • Monitor request_counter and request_duration metrics to identify performance bottlenecks.
  • Regularly analyze metrics to find performance improvement points.

7. Optimize Logging

  • Adjust log levels appropriately in production environments to reduce unnecessary logging.
  • Ensure sensitive information is not exposed in logs.

8. Memory Management

  • Use generators or streaming methods when processing large amounts of data to optimize memory usage.
  • Release unnecessary objects promptly to aid garbage collection.

9. Efficient API Usage

  • Understand and utilize ESI's etag system to reduce unnecessary data transfer.
  • Use appropriate endpoints for bulk data retrieval when available.

10. Client-Side Optimization

  • Implement client-side caching for frequently accessed, rarely changing data.
  • Use compression when making requests to reduce data transfer.

Apply these techniques according to the specific characteristics of your application using ESIHub. Regular performance testing and profiling will help identify areas for further optimization.